Sunday, August 3, 2008

How to Buy Cialis Online

Buying Cialis online just makes sense. Not only is it fast and convenient, it's almost completely anonymous. The Cialis delivered to your home or office in a nondescript package. No embarrassing trips to the doctor or pharmacist

Step One: Do Research

Before purchasing Cialis online, you need to make sure that Cialis's right for you. Visit Icos's official Cialis site for detailed information on the drug, including possibly dangerous drug interactions. Bottom line, if you are taking any medications or have any health problems, we recommend you consult with your family doctor or pharmacist before buying Cialis online.

Step Two: Choose a Reputable Online Pharmacy

Obviously, you need to pick a reputable online pharmacy to purchase your Cialis. We recommend the GetPharma site. Countless visitors to this web site have used GetPharma without any problems. They are based in the UK where doctors are authorized to prescribe Cialis. They're fast, efficient, and dependable. They can ship Cialis to the UK, EU, Australia, USA, and many other countries wordwide.

Step Three: Fill Out the Health Questionnaire

If you don't already have a Cialis prescription, the online pharmacy can provide one for you. They do this by having you fill out a detailed medical questionnaire to guarantee it's safe for you to take Cialis. It's important to fill out this information fully and accurately. Usually there is a charge for this service, but only if you are approved for the prescription. If you aren't, there's no charge. So be honest, your health depends on it.

Step Four: Choose Your Dosage

Cialis comes in 2 dosages: 10 mg or 20 mg doses. The most cost-effective way to purchase Cialis is to buy the 20 mg pills and cut them either in half or in fourths. You can purchase pill cutters at your local drug store for this purpose or just use a knife. 20 mg is a high dosage; you should start with a quarter pill (5 mg) and see how that works before using any more.

Step Five: Place Your Order

Once you've filled out the medical questionnaire and chosen your dosage, place your order. A doctor will review your order and if you get the prescription, your Cialis will arrive in a few days. For U.S. residents it may take a little longer depending on what type of shipment you choose. It's a simple process and worth doing if you want to experience Cialis for yourself.